It's not easy for the owners of unruly curls. After all, all their dreams of perfectly smooth hair are crushed by the harsh reality that they have neither the strength nor the desire to use a flat iron on a daily basis. And the hair from it severely affected, becoming brittle, dull and split. It turns out, however, that such hair straightening has a much more worthy alternative: keratin hair straightening. It effectively straightens even very stubborn curls and copes with stiff hair. But not everyone knows how to maintain the effect after such procedure. Let's try to understand the intricacies of keratin straightening and the rules of care after it in more detail.


Keratin hair straightening: myths and truth

The main essence of keratin straightening is the application of a special agent to the curls, which contains keratin. Keratin, in fact, is a protein, an important structural component of the hair shaft. It penetrates deep into the hair, filling in all the voids and smoothing deformations. Due to this the process of alignment takes place. In addition means for keratin straightening, as a rule, have in their composition a lot of nutrients, which contribute to the regeneration of the strands.

Keratin for hair care has been used for about ten years. Despite such prevalence and popularity of the procedure, there are many myths surrounding it. Among such speculations are:

  • Keratin harms hair, once the product comes off and the strands grow back, it is simply impossible to save them. In fact, this is a myth - keratin straightening can harm curls only if the technology of the procedure is violated or if a low-quality product is used. In particular, quite often the strands are damaged because of violations of the rules of use of the iron - it is often used on wet curls or passed through the strands more than necessary. You can avoid hair damage by visiting professional masters who have extensive experience and work only with quality cosmetics.
  • Keratin makes hair thin, and styling it afterwards is a big problem. This is another myth. In fact, keratin straightening only smoothes out excess frizz. And after straightening it is possible to use styling products, including curling irons, curling irons, curlers, etc. It is just important not to forget about thermal protection. After washing and drying with a hair dryer curls will be smooth and well groomed again.
  • Keratin increases the density of hair. This is also just a speculation. After using keratin, each hair is covered with a thin protective film, but this does not influence the general thickness of the hair - the volume remains the same.
  • Keratin is not compatible with hair coloring. Another myth. In fact, keratin straightening is often used for prolonging the effect of hair coloring: due to keratin, the hair shade stays on the hair much longer. It is also possible to color hair after hair straightening, but only after 3-4 weeks.

The experience of the majority of women shows that the main key to success of keratin hair straightening is in the strict fulfillment of two rules: they should use really professional products, and it should be held by an experienced master.


Hair care after keratin: all the rules and recommendations

Proper care of the strands after the procedure of keratin straightening is the only way to preserve the effect for a long time. And it is especially important to scrupulously follow the recommendations of the master during the first three days. All this time is strongly not recommended:

  • Wash your hair. This also applies to normal washing, and staying in the rain/snow or in a room with a high level of humidity. You should not go to a sauna or bath, go to the pool or to a lake. It is also important to limit physical activity, because intense exercise will sweat the scalp, which can also affect the condition of the hair.
  • Stuff your hair. It is better to avoid the use of rubber bands and hairpins for 72 hours, not to braid hair and not to use curlers and any other styling tools. Otherwise you may get frizzes in your hair, which will stay with you for several months.
  • Heat your hair with a hair dryer or in any other way. Exposure to high temperatures can affect the fixation of keratin in the strands.
  • Use cosmetic hair products. Any cosmetics and home care products at this stage are not recommended, as their components can penetrate deep into the hair structure and disrupt the effect of keratin.

After 72 hours, it is also necessary to follow some recommendations for care. In particular, to wash the strands is better to use a special shampoo, which does not contain sulfates and other harmful components. Common detergents from mass-market will lead to the fact that the protein is quickly washed from the structure of the hair and the straightening effect will come to naught.

It is also recommended to use balm or conditioner for hair and masks with keratin regularly. These products will maintain the result of straightening and prolong it. In contrast, products with salts and oils are under a temporary ban - they are categorically not suitable for basic care.

Hair that has been straightened by keratin hair treatment should be blow-dried after washing. Thanks to this procedure, the keratin will harden in the hair shaft, and the strands will retain a straight structure. You can also use a curling iron or other styling products. But it is important to remember to use heat protectors.


Where to buy professional care after keratin

When choosing means to care for your hair after keratin hair straightening, give preference to professional cosmetics that are designed to support the effect of the procedure. Choose the best set of products will help an experienced hairdresser, you can also use the possibility of online consultation in a specialized online store keratin-shop. 

The assortment of our store is represented by the world's best brands. In our shop you can buy after-care products for keratin in any volume from 50 ml and more. We ship all over Ukraine, Europe and other countries.