In recent years, in the arsenal of hairdressers, trichologists and cosmetologists there have been many procedures that help deep regeneration of hair. But still, keratin straightening has long remained at the top of the rating. This procedure is very popular with girls, as it gives a long-term effect of styling and allows you to do without the use of an iron for several months. Keratin gives strands a strong shine and smooths them. At the same time, an important advantage of this procedure is also in its affordable cost. However, there are some differences between keratin restoration and other procedures using keratin. Let's consider its features in a little more detail.


Keratin restoration: what is the essence of such an effect?

Keratin restoration is a salon service, the main function of which is to saturate the strands with vitality, adding thickness and increasing their docility. Keratin also gives a small volume, but does not change it radically.

To carry out such a procedure, special keratin compositions are used, which are offered by leading brands engaged in the production of professional cosmetics for professionals. The main component of such products is keratin - a natural protein, which is the main structural component of human hair. Under the influence of various external factors, it is washed out of the hair shaft, which leads to a deterioration in the appearance and health of locks. Strands in this case become dull, dry out, lose saturated color, becoming as if faded, not shiny. In particular, the frequent use of hair dryer, flat iron or flat iron leads to a strong deterioration of the health of curls. And keratin can be used as an alternative to permanent smoothing and a means of improving the overall condition of the strands.

The principle of action of such a salon remedy is very simple: the protein from the mixtures penetrates deep into the hair shaft, seals the damage and envelops the hair with the thinnest film. After that, the strands look strong, acquire shine and become perfectly even.

Many people are interested in how long does keratin straightening last? The duration of the effect is determined by:

  • the condition of the strands, the level of their rigidity, as well as the tendency to the appearance of curls;
  • the quality of the composition itself - mass-market products are not able to give long-lasting results;
  • the correctness of the procedure by the master - it is difficult to achieve a similar result at home;
  • the correct care of strands after the procedure.

Compliance with all the rules allows you to extend the effect of the procedure for up to 4-6 months.


Features of keratin restoration: algorithm and technology

The procedure of keratin restoration includes 5 main stages:

  1. Washing curls with the help of a shampoo with a deep-cleaning function. Such a product is also often called a technical shampoo. Its main function is to eliminate even the smallest particles of dirt, grease, and styling residue. Also this shampoo lifts the scales on the surface of the hair, so that the active agents of keratin can penetrate as deeply as possible inside them.
  2. Hair is dried dry. To do this, the hair dryer is set to cold mode of blowing.
  3. The master applies the keratin mixture to all strands, impregnating them evenly. In this case, an indent of 1-1.5 cm from the roots of the hair is necessarily observed. Curls remain free, not pinned for all the time necessary for the composition to work (duration of exposure depends on the type of hair and manufacturer's recommendations).
  4. Wet strands are dried with a hair dryer until dry, after which the master smooths all the hair with a flat iron. The temperature varies between 170-230 ° depending on the condition of the hair, also may differ and the number of passes on one strand.
  5. Strands are rinsed with warm water and dried with a hair dryer on a warm blowing mode until completely dry.

After keratin restoration strands need special care for 72 hours after the procedure. All this time they should not be pinned, bent, gathered in a ponytail or in a braid - any change in the position of the curls can lead to the appearance of sloppy creases. Even all this time strands should be protected from moisture - do not wash, do not get into the rain or snow, as well as is not in conditions of high humidity (including in the pool or bath) and avoid excessive sweating.
In the future, you should wash your locks only with sulfate-free shampoo. It is also recommended to use masks and balms with keratin in the composition.

Many girls would like to make keratin at home. However, experienced masters warn against such experiments. At home, it is difficult to calculate many factors, from the uniformity of the distribution of the means on the hair to the time of its exposure and the temperature of smoothing iron. And if the technology is not observed, the positive effect will be absent or will not be as long. There is also a risk that excessive heat treatment and at all violate the condition of the strands and they will look even worse than before the procedure. Therefore, it is better not to take risks and entrust the matter to a professional.


How does keratin straightening affect the hair?

Keratin gives a complex effect:

  • straightens the strands;
  • adds shine;
  • makes hair manageable;
  • revitalizes the hair.

Thanks to keratin, girls can refuse to use a flat iron for quite a long time. Thanks to this, the structure of the curls will continue to recover, which will favorably affect their condition in the future.

And buy everything you need for keratin straightening, as well as for the care of curls after this procedure you can in the online store Keratin-shop. On our site - only the best offers from the top brands, the quality of which is undeniable. And you can buy hair products from us in bulk - in volumes from 50 ml.

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