Hair care takes up a lot of time for every modern girl, because it can be very difficult to maintain the grooming, beauty and health of curls. However, sometimes despite all the efforts, it is not possible to achieve the desired result. Sometimes hair becomes dull, dry and look lifeless not because of violations of the rules of care. This can be explained by the oversaturation of strands with components of cosmetics, including silicones, sulfates, as well as sodium salts and other substances. Excessive amounts of such ingredients on the strands leads to the loss of their attractive appearance. And to restore the pristine purity of the hair will help deep cleanser. This is a shampoo that will make your locks shine with health and rich, saturated color after just one application. Let's try to understand the features of such a means in a little more detail.


Shampoo deep cleaning: indications for use

There is a wide choice of various cosmetics for everyday care of strands. In the arsenal of almost every girl there is a shampoo, conditioner, means for thermal protection, mask and balm. Also in use are a variety of sprays for moisturizing and nourishing strands. And each of these means, as a rule, contains silicones, surface active substances, sulfates and other chemical components. All of them accumulate a little bit in the hair, at the same time natural proteins, fats, vitamins and amino acids leave the hair shafts. Therefore, the strands become dull, lose vitality and attractiveness.

Deep cleansing shampoo is a technical means. Its main function is to remove mineral deposits as well as chlorine, wax particles, mineral oil residues and other substances. This results in the liberation of the hair. Deep Cleaning Shampoo (DCS) can be used:

  • With regular use of silicone-containing care products, including lotions and conditioners. Silicone creates an insoluble film on strands over time, making them impervious to the beneficial substances found in care products. A deep cleansing shampoo safely removes silicone residue.
  • Before radical procedures of deep restoration of strands. If you carefully study the instructions from the manufacturers of keratin, botox, biksiplaxy or nanoplasty, it becomes clear that they all recommend the use of DCS before such procedures. Thanks to deep cleaning, the products penetrate deep into the hair product, allowing them to work to their maximum potential.
  • Before coloring. The use of deep cleansing shampoo is highly recommended when bleaching. With its help, you can reduce the risk of unwanted yellowness and greenish shades. In particular, such a product helps to reduce the amount of copper and/or iron on the strands during lightening reactions.
  • When changing to a different tone. The use of DCS allows to neutralize the pigment residues on the hair, so that the new tone can be easily and evenly applied, according to expectations and predictions.
  • If you regularly use the pool. Only a deep cleanser is able to neutralize and eliminate chlorine that accumulates in the strands.
  • In preparation for treatment with oil masks. To ensure deep penetration of such products inside the hair shaft, the master also necessarily uses DCS to pre-clean the strands.


How to use a deep cleanser: step-by-step instructions

In fact, there is nothing particularly complicated in the application of this shampoo. It is necessary to adhere to simple recommendations:

  1. The composition of such a technical means contains substances for exfoliation, it also contains sodium chloride and sodium sulfate, often there are not insignificant salt crystals in it. This is why you should only use DCS occasionally - once every one or two months, not more often. If used more often, the product can harm the strands, wash out nutrients and proteins, disrupt the integrity of the lipid layer and the function of the cuticle scales.
  2. The product is applied only to the length of the strands, and it is important to avoid contact with the scalp. Otherwise, after shampooing, a thin film may remain on the skin, impeding full air exchange and nourishment.
  3. Cleansing the DCS should be infrequent, but really deep. Therefore, the foaming product should be applied to the strands 2-3 times (after each time the hair is rinsed). This technique ensures deep removal of impurities.

After shampooing, if it is not planned to perform keratin, botox or other procedures, it is necessary to use a conditioner or balm. Such products will relieve the stress of using DCS, lower the hair scales and nourish the strands.


Where to buy a deep cleansing shampoo?

When choosing a deep cleansing shampoo, check out the Keratin-shop website. We have collected an excellent range of such products from TOP-manufacturers from different parts of the world. In our catalog - only high-quality products that will give the expected result after application. Our company cooperates only with those brands, the quality of whose products does not cause any doubt either among ordinary people or skilled craftsmen.

We follow a healthy approach to pricing and avoid unnecessary markups. Therefore, the cost of the DCS on our site you will be pleasantly pleased. For regular customers there is a loyalty program, which will allow you to save even more. Also, we can buy and other means for the care of curls, including a variety of compositions for botox and keratin, as well as high-quality cosmetics for home care.

Our company conducts delivery throughout Ukraine. Also send your purchases and abroad - we always meet our customers for their comfort and beauty.