Keratin straightening has been a popular and sought-after procedure for many years now. It is not surprising that it has a huge number of fans, as well as many opponents - many people are misled about the properties of keratin and its effect on the hair. In the network goes a lot of myths about this procedure, and, of course, having familiarized with them, it becomes scary to trust your locks to such an ambiguous impact. But before you give up keratin straightening, it is worthwhile to familiarize yourself with the opinion of experts. Qualified hairdressers know perfectly well where the truth is, and where unconfirmed fictions of theorists or conspiracy theorists. We have gathered their opinions together and are ready to refute the TOP myths about keratin.


Myth №1: Keratin causes hair loss

Of course, any hair treatment that is administered incorrectly can disrupt the condition of the hair. But keratin straightening, when performed competently, cannot provoke hair loss. A popular myth about this is due to the fact that people do not understand well enough how firmly our hair is held in the skin. Accordingly, they believe that the hair, once infused with keratin, becomes so heavy and massive that the bulbs simply cannot hold it. As a result, the strands thin out, the hair breaks, the hair becomes less lush. But there is a lot of evidence that people can hold huge weights on their hair - facts about this are recorded in the Guinness Book of Records in different parts of the world. And keratin strengthening cannot make hair so heavy that it falls out under its own weight.

In fact, keratin straightening strengthens hair, which is supported by numerous studies. However, it does not affect the degree to which the hair shafts are anchored in the hair follicles, nor does it affect the follicles themselves. After all, the product with keratin is applied to the strands with a certain indentation from the scalp. Therefore, hair loss after the procedure can be provoked by a variety of factors, including climate change, severe illnesses that have been recently transferred, poor diet, stressful situations and so on.


Myth №2: Keratin permanently changes the structure of hair

This is another very common and erroneous belief. Keratin cannot straighten excessively curly hair permanently and affect the waviness of the strands in the long term. The tendency of curls is transmitted at the genetic level, and the substances that make up the keratin straightening product cannot affect the human genome. Keratin has an effect only on the visible part of the strands, and newly growing hair will continue to curl again.


Myth №3: Keratin damages the strands

This misconception is akin to real children's horror stories and has no basis in fact. If keratin straightening is carried out scrupulously, by a qualified master, it does not disturb the condition of the hair in any way. But even if the procedure is carried out by an understudy or self-taught, it will not cause complete baldness, although it can harm the strands. To be sure of the result, it is better not to save on the quality of such a service and contact qualified professionals who have the appropriate experience and are well versed in the technique of keratin straightening. 

The procedure involves straightening the strands with the help of an iron. Incorrect choice of temperature mode of treatment can lead to the fact that the iron simply burns the hair. An experienced master determines the optimal temperature, taking into account the individual characteristics of the hair and establishes how many times you need to go through the strands to achieve the desired effect. That is why it is simply not recommended to entrust the work with your hair to anyone.


Myth 4: keratin is addictive

This is another rather absurd statement. Keratin straightening, if carried out correctly, really has a positive effect on the structure of the hair and its appearance. Of course, after the effect of the procedure passes, the strands become ungroomed. But girls quickly get used to compliments and excellent reflection in the mirror, so simply forget about what curls were before the procedure. This is where the myth about the habituation of hair keratin comes from.

Also to be considered and cases when the wrong procedure causes damage to the strands. In this case, after a few months, the curls can really look very untidy, and to bring them to a normal appearance will help another procedure.


Myth №5: after straightening you need to use only professional shampoos, and this is very expensive

In fact, to preserve the effect of keratin, it is important to use shampoos that do not contain sulfates. But you can find such products in the middle price segment. Of course, it is better not to save on yourself, but you can buy professional cosmetics for hair care and on the spill. It is much cheaper and more affordable than buying the entire care complex at once in a large volume. 


Myth №6: the effect of keratin will last only a couple of months

The duration of the result depends on the initial condition of the strands, the correct choice of product and professionalism of the master. The first procedure can really give the effect for 2-4 months, and a lot depends on the correct care of strands after keratin - the more correct care, the longer the effect lasts.

Further keratin straightening helps to fix the result, the wear time of keratin in this case will be up to 5-6 months.


Myth №7: roots grow back very noticeably after keratin straightening

Keratin straightening is not chemistry, coloring or chalking. Keratin is gradually washed out of the hair, but it does not change its structure and color. Therefore, when the roots grow back, there is no pronounced effect. Distinguish the new centimeters of strands from those that were once subjected to the procedure of keratin straightening, only a specialist can do.


Myth №8: Keratin straightening is dangerous for health

Yes, the compositions for keratin straightening contain formaldehyde or its analogs. When processed with an iron, such substances vaporize and, if staying in a tight unventilated room, can be harmful to health. But this only indicates the need to follow basic safety techniques when working with keratin.

Modern cosmetics undergo many stages of testing to obtain quality certificates. Therefore, if the product has entered the international market, you can be sure of its quality.

Even the fact that keratin straightening is contraindicated for pregnant women, indicates not the real harm from such a procedure, but the lack of sufficient research that would confirm the safety of keratin for such groups of people. There is no evidence of any possible danger.  

And you can buy really high-quality means for keratin straightening, as well as cosmetics for hair care after this procedure in the online store Keratin-shop. We have collected the best range of products from the world's top manufacturers, which if used correctly can be very useful for the health and beauty of strands. Delivery is possible throughout Ukraine, as well as shipping abroad.