Intense hair restoration for a well-groomed and even luxurious look nowadays doesn't take weeks or months. There are procedures that can transform damaged, weakened, porous and split strands into an even, smooth canvas in just a couple of hours. Just such an effect gives Botox hair. This is a popular procedure aimed at deep restoration of strands. However, cosmetologists use several varieties of such a procedure, in particular, it can be hot or cold. But is there a fundamental difference between such procedures? Let's try to understand this issue in more detail, and also help to determine: what procedure for the hair is worth doing in different situations.


Botox for hair: the purpose of the procedure and the composition of botox

Many people are very skeptical of the very idea of Botox procedure for hair, drawing a parallel between it and botulinum toxin injections, which are widely used to fight wrinkles. However, hair botox has nothing to do with such a procedure. Firstly, botulinum toxin is not used during its performance. And secondly, no injections are also carried out. And the same name of these procedures is explained very simply - both of them give an instant result, which is visible to the naked eye.

Botox hair involves the use of a special product that has a complex composition and contains many active ingredients. Among them may be elastin compounds and protein keratin, various plant extracts, moisturizing hyaluronic acid, as well as a variety of vitamins and minerals. It is a kind of cocktail for hair, which:

  • restores hair from the inside, saturating hairs with moisture and nourishing them with various useful substances;
  • strengthens the strands, eliminates brittleness, reduces hair loss, stimulates growth;
  • activates metabolism, which also helps to improve the condition of the strands;
  • adds elasticity and elasticity to the curls, increases their docility;
  • neutralizes the problem of frizz and split ends through powerful moisturizing and nourishing.

Botox for hair acts instantly, restoring the molecular structure of the strands, filling in damaged areas and providing powerful moisturizing.


Cold Botox: features and pros

Cold Botox is a popular variation of such a care procedure. It stimulates the growth of strands, eliminates sectioning, deeply revitalizes. Thanks to such a procedure, strands acquire a healthy appearance, become soft and well-groomed.

Cold Botox is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. A thorough washing of the strands with a means for deep cleaning is carried out. It very carefully removes the smallest particles of sebum (sebum) and styling products (foam, varnish, etc.) from the hair and skin. It also gently lifts the small scales of the cuticle on each hair shaft, allowing the Botox to penetrate deeper into the structure of the strands.
  2. After washing, the hair is blotted with a soft towel and dried with a hairdryer (only in the cold blowing mode). The master divides the hair into zones and, armed with a brush, applies the product to the strands. Botox should evenly cover all hairs, but at the same time is not on them in excess.
  3. The product is kept on the strands for how long, as long as specified in the manufacturer's instructions. Usually the waiting period is about half an hour.
  4. Next, the curls are washed with warm water. Sometimes a remedy is applied to them beforehand, which contributes to additional recovery of strands and fixation of nutrients in them.
  5. After washing, a mask or balm-conditioner is used. Next, the hair is washed once again and dried with a hair dryer until completely dry.

The main feature of cold botox lies in the absence of the need to use a flat iron to achieve a therapeutic effect. However, it should be borne in mind that such a procedure practically does not affect the structure of the hair - it does not straighten waves and curls.


Hot Botox: fundamental differences and mechanism of implementation

Hot Botox contributes not only to the deep recovery of strands, but also provides their moderate equalization. In this procedure, the master uses an iron, which seals the product inside the hair shafts. However, unlike keratin straightening means for hot botox do not have formaldehyde in their composition.

Hot Botox provides deep moisturizing and nourishment, as well as adds shine to strands, eliminates frizz, helps to smooth curls. And such an effect lasts for several months after the procedure, and with proper conduct is cumulative.

The algorithm of the procedure is almost the same, the main differences - at the end:

  • at the beginning, washing with a deep-cleaning shampoo is carried out;
  • all hair is dried with cold air;
  • after the strands are lubricated with Botox, evenly distributing it over all areas;
  • the product is kept for the required amount of time;
  • strands are dried with a hairdryer, if necessary, a part of the product (20-50%) is washed off first;
  • after complete drying, all strands are passed through with a hair iron;
  • curls cool down for 10-15 minutes, after which they are washed with clean water and dried with a hair dryer.

Once you see the differences between the treatments, you can make a confident choice. For nourishment, moisturizing and restoration without the effect of smoothing it is worth choosing cold Botox. If the goal is to smooth curls, it is better to use hot.


Where to buy products for Botox hair

And to buy cosmetic products for hot Botox or cold Botox is possible in the online store Keratin-shop. Here is an excellent range of professional cosmetics for the restoration, nourishment and straightening of strands, as well as a variety of shampoos, masks, balms and other products for everyday care.

The company Keratin-shop sells products in bulk, the minimum purchase volume is 50 ml. To choose the right product, you can ask for advice from a qualified expert - the site is staffed by real experts who are well versed in the range of products and know everything about its features.

The company delivers all over Ukraine, also possible to send to different countries in Europe and around the world. For regular customers there is a loyalty program, which opens up interesting opportunities for savings and profitable purchases.