Keeping hair beautiful, well-groomed and healthy is not the easiest task. And when you add the constant influence of stress and negative emotions, unbalanced diet, low physical activity and environmental factors, the task seems quite unbearable. Our hair regularly suffers from internal problems, the influence of UV rays, low or high temperatures. But in fact, there is a procedure that even in such conditions can turn damaged and dull strands into well-groomed, exuberant hair. This is Botox - a salon service that has been very popular among women in different countries of the world for the last few years. However, not everyone knows about its features and benefits. Let's consider this technology and how it affects the strands, a little more in detail.


What is Botox for hair?

This care procedure is completely unrelated to beauty injections, which are carried out to fight wrinkles and involve the injection of botulinum toxin (a poisonous substance) into the skin. The only thing these procedures have in common is the name and the instantaneous effect. Just as injections immediately smooth out wrinkles, Botox for hair instantly makes hair look beautiful and well-groomed. This procedure is comparable to the effect of reanimation, it restores the structure of damaged strands from the inside, adding strength, endurance, shine and elasticity.

Also Botox hair is often compared to keratin straightening. However, the peculiarity of the second procedure is that it is primarily aimed at smoothing curls, rather than restoring them. And to combat unruly curls, keratin mixtures contain formaldehyde or its substitutes, which can be unsafe for health.

Botox is carried out by means without formaldehyde, so it is absolutely safe for both the master who performs the procedure and for his client. For the manufacture of cocktails for hair are used:

  • elastin - a protein of connective tissue, which gives strands elasticity, elasticity and docility;
  • keratin - a structural component of hairs, which helps to restore their structure;
  • hyaluronic acid - a powerful moisturizer, which gives a prolonged effect;
  • amino acids, which nourish and strengthen the strands;
  • oils, vitamins and minerals for deep nourishment and restoration of curls;
  • plant extracts that stimulate the growth of strands, improve their appearance and add strength.

Manufacturers can add other components to the composition of Botox. Each professional product is made according to a unique formula, and all components are selected in laboratory conditions, taking into account their compatibility and interaction. As a result, the product contains substances that enhance the effectiveness of each other. Therefore, the use of Botox gives a complex healing effect:

  • strengthens curls, adding flexibility and elasticity;
  • stimulates metabolism;
  • accelerates the growth process and slows down the process of loss;
  • adds root volume and intense healthy shine.

In addition, Botox makes strands more manageable, slightly straightens them, neutralizes porosity and frizz.


How Botox for hair is carried out: the classic algorithm of actions

Qualified specialists recommend that Botox be performed only in a salon. At home, it is difficult to apply the mixture evenly to all hair, as well as accurately calculate the duration of its presence on the strands and the temperature of the curls treatment.

The procedure is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. The master thoroughly washes the curls with shampoo. To scrupulously eliminate the smallest particles of sebum, residues of styling products and other contaminants, it is necessary to use a deep-cleaning shampoo. It can be used 2-3 times - taking into account the current condition of the hair. After rinsing the hair should be blotted with a towel and dried with a hair dryer, exposed to cold blowing.
  2. After the master applies a Botox product to the strands, using a convenient brush. The specialist proceeds step by step, starting from the occipital area and carefully makes sure that all the hairs were covered with the product. Excess Botox is removed with a frequent comb. After applying the product, the curls are combed back and the product is kept on the strands for 30 to 50 minutes. After the master can rinse the strands, leaving a part of the Botox on them.
  3. Hair is dried with a hair dryer until completely dry. After that, the master sets the iron at 160-230 ° C, taking into account the peculiarities of specific curls and goes through all the strands several times. In the case of the procedure of cold botox, this stage is skipped.
  4. At the end of the procedure, the hair is again washed with normal water, a mask is applied. After rinsing the strands are dried as usual.

To achieve a more noticeable straightening effect beauticians and hairdressers recommend doing hot botox - pass the strands with a flat iron. But if it is a question of restoring very damaged strands, it is better to give preference to the cold type of procedure.


Where to buy cosmetics for botox?

Online store Keratin-shop offers a wide selection of botox and other cosmetics for hair care. In our catalog - products of well-known brands that are very popular in different countries of the world and have a well-deserved reputation. These are products for Botox, keratin straightening, professional curl restoration and home hair care.

Keratin-shop adhere to a healthy approach to pricing - the prices for all products in the catalog are pleasantly pleasing. For regular customers there is a loyalty program, which allows you to save money on the purchase of cosmetics. Also, the site regularly holds sales.

Keratin-shop company offers to order hair cosmetics in bulk and on spill, the volume from 50 ml. Possible delivery throughout Ukraine, also send your orders abroad.