Modern hairdressers and beauty experts are ready to offer their clients a lot of different hair care procedures, which give a long-lasting effect of styling, revitalize and straighten the strands. Among them the most popular in recent years are keratin and Botox. However, not all girls know what the difference between them is. After all, at first glance it may seem that these procedures give a very similar result. But in fact, keratin and Botox have different indications for conducting and differ in their principle of action. Let's analyze the features of such procedures in a little more detail.


Keratin for hair: effect and features

Girls with bouncy and stubborn curls, as well as anyone who dreams of perfect flatness and smoothness of the hair web, should pay attention to this very procedure. It allows you to forget about using a curling iron for a long time. The main purpose of keratin is long-lasting straightening and perfect styling without using different styling products. Different kinds of keratin are able to cope with different types of curls, even with the most unruly ones. But to achieve the desired effect, you need to scrupulously follow the technology and use a high-quality keratin straightener.

One of the differences between Botox and keratin lies in the composition of the means for such procedures. In particular, keratin straightening products contain natural keratin, which is a special protein that is obtained in the laboratory from the wool of sheep. In nature, it forms the basic mass of the human hair shaft, but it can be washed out under the influence of negative factors, which leads to the thinning, dryness, dullness and hair breakage.

During keratin straightening damaged parts of hair shafts and deformed places (areas where hair is bent) are filled with keratin, thus making the strands elastic and smooth.

Keratin hair straightening has several important advantages:

  • it gives perfect smoothness of hair, which becomes visible immediately after the procedure and remains for at least 3-4 months (maximum - half a year);
  • hair after hair straightening looks well-groomed, healthy and shiny without the use of additional cosmetics and styling products;
  • keratin seals the entire length of the hair, so the problem of split and brittle hair disappears;
  • hair looks uniformly well-groomed along its entire length;
  • no need for regular use of a straightening iron.

To keep the effect of keratin application for a long period of time, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of the masters in the first days after the procedure scrupulously. It is also necessary to properly care for your hair afterwards, in particular, to refuse cheap shampoos from mass market and switch to professional care products without sulfates and with keratin. It is also important to systematically use conditioner and supporting hair masks.


Botox for hair: features and benefits

Botox and keratin straightening give a visually similar effect - the hair becomes visually attractive and well-groomed. But keratin is still primarily aimed at smoothing curls, while the task of Botox is to deeply revitalize and nourish the strands.

Yes, Botox also contributes to the straightening of curls. But its action is much milder than the keratin and, as a rule, it doesn't straighten the curls completely, but leaves a soft wave. And some types of Botox do not affect the curls at all, but only feed the strands with useful trace elements, vitamins, fats and other important substances.

Unlike keratin, Botox does not contain formaldehyde. It is a chemical substance that contributes to the reshaping of hair by deep penetration of keratin molecules into its structure. At the last stage of keratin straightening procedure formaldehyde evaporates. In small quantities it is considered relatively safe, but it is strongly contraindicated to pregnant and breastfeeding women. And performing keratin straightening in a closed unventilated room and in a healthy person can cause poisoning.

Botox products do not contain formaldehyde or its analogues. They are rich in a variety of amino acids, beneficial oils, vitamins and minerals. That's why the Botox treatment for hair contributes to:

  • restoration of strands at the molecular level;
  • deep rejuvenation of hair;
  • reliable protection of hair from environmental factors, including ultraviolet light.

Botox is a very popular procedure, and it is not surprising. It has several important benefits:

  • it deeply revitalizes the strands and nourishes the hair from the inside;
  • stimulates hair growth, helps to reduce the intensity of hair loss;
  • reduces the negative effects of the sun;
  • helps restore hair after coloring or bleaching;
  • has a good price;
  • gives long-lasting effect for a period of one to three months.

Thus, it is easy to conclude that for maximum straightening of the strands it is better to give preference to keratin. At the same time, to revitalize and nourish the curls should choose botox.


Botox or keratin: the choice for the different types of strands

Choosing which procedure is better for the hair, it is worth taking into account the type of your locks:

  • For thin or colored hair. The owners of such hair perfectly suits both options. However, keratin hair straightening can be more traumatic, therefore it is not recommended to perform such procedure systematically on thin, weakened hair.
  • For blond hair, as well as strands after melting. In this situation, it is worth giving preference to Botox. It will not only strengthen the hair and smooth it, but also neutralize the yellowing.
  • For dark, strong and stiff hair. Such strands are quite uncomfortable for straightening - not every tool manages to cope with them. Only keratin helps to straighten them, and it is better to give preference to compositions that are designed specifically for such curls - elastic, ethnic and unruly.
  • For wavy and porous strands. Those who wish to straighten such hair should choose keratin, as it is very effective, permanently straightening curls. As for those who wish to maintain the wavy locks, it is better to choose Botox. It will remove the unwanted porosity and fluffiness, and at the same time will deeply revitalize the locks.

When choosing Botox or Keratin, it is better to give preference to products of well-known brands, which enjoy well-deserved popularity in different countries. This way you can be sure that you will get a really high quality product. 


Where to buy popular keratin and botox products

The Keratin Shop online store offers a wide range of hair straightening products, including nano-plastics and other products. Our store represents the world's most popular brands, such as Let Me Be, Ykas, Portier, Zap Professional, Floractive, Fox Professional, Nuance, La Grace, and many others. Different volumes of products starting from 50 ml and more are available to you.

Our management team is ready to listen to you and answer all your professional questions. We will provide you with high-quality consultation to help you make the right choice.

In addition, we offer convenient delivery, which is carried out on the day of ordering through our website or by phone. We provide delivery not only all over Ukraine but also in Europe and other parts of the world. We guarantee reliable and fast shipment of your order so you can receive your purchase in the shortest possible time.

Choosing Keratin Shop you can be assured of quality products, professional service and convenient delivery. We strive to provide our customers with only the best hair care solutions and help them achieve their desired results.