Not all girls can boast naturally smooth, beautiful and well-groomed hair. To get the effect of smoothness and shine, many have to style strands daily with a flat iron. And the systematic use of such a device does not bring any benefit to the hair, and over time can cause serious thermal damage. But modern technology offers an excellent alternative to the daily use of the iron - biksiplastia or biksiplastica. Let's try to understand the subtleties of this procedure in more detail.


What is bixiplastia and what effect does it give?

In essence, bixiplastica is a new alternative to keratin straightening, which has been used for many years by curly girls to straighten the strands. It is also often compared to the more modern nanoplasty, which is used to nourish, restore and regenerate strands. Bixiplastia combines the properties of these two methods of hair care: it is as effective in smoothing the strands as keratin, but is safer, as well as very effective in restoring the curls, and has a richer composition than nanoplasty products.

Bixiplastica has a complex effect:

  • makes the strands really well-groomed both externally and internally;
  • adds softness, shine and moisture to the curls;
  • straightens soft curls and tight curls;
  • increases the density and elasticity of the hair shaft;
  • facilitates combing;
  • makes hair easier to style.

This effect is achieved thanks to the complex composition of bikiplasty products. They do not contain dangerous formaldehyde or its analogs (as, for example, means for keratin straightening), which can irritate the mucous membranes (respiratory system and eyes), as well as accumulate in the body with regular contact and cause symptoms of poisoning. Among the active ingredients of bikisplastic preparations are:

  • Oils of different plants, including bishi, babassu, prakaxi and Brazil nut. They provide deep nourishment to the curls, moisturize and soften them, glue split ends and fill structural damage in the hair shaft. Oils also add smoothness to the hair and stimulate active growth of strands.
  • Keratin and cysteine. These are amino acids that fill voids in the hair shaft, repairing its structure from within. Also cysteine helps to cope with the problem of hair electrification, which causes a lot of discomfort in the cold season.
  • Phenoxyethanol. This is a synthetic substance, thanks to which the strands are smoothed and acquire a rich glossy shine.

All components of the means are selected in such a way as to act synergistically - to enhance the effectiveness of each other. Thanks to this bikisplastika gives a quick and strong effect, instantly improves the condition of the hair and allows you not to care about the appearance of hair for several months. Bikisplasty has no analogues yet and is the most progressive hair procedure to date.


How bixiplastica is performed: step-by-step algorithm of actions

The procedure of bixiplastia is carried out in a salon. It may seem that this procedure can be done at home, on your own, but in fact, it is better to entrust it to a master. Only a specialist can accurately assess the features of the strands and their needs, calculate the duration of stay of the means on the hair, as well as the optimal temperature of treatment of curls at the end of the procedure. Any violations of technology can give an unexpected effect and cause damage to the strands.

Biksiplastia is carried out in several stages:

  1. The master washes the strands, using a deep cleanser. This is a special shampoo, which does not just eliminate sebum, and makes the hair perfectly clean to a squeak, and also lifts the scales of the hair shaft - this contributes to the deepest penetration of active substances in the structure of the hair.
  2. After washing the strands are blotted with a warm soft towel and dried with a hair dryer until completely dry. The hair dryer should work on the mode of cold blowing.
  3. The master distributes the curls into approximately equal zones, puts on gloves and is armed with a convenient brush. The means for biksiplasty is applied to the strands evenly with an indentation from the roots of 1.5 cm. It is extremely important that all the hair was covered with the cocktail evenly - this is an important condition for achieving the desired effect.
  4. Next, the product is left on the hair for 20-40 minutes. After that, the strands are dried with warm and cool air until complete drying. Then the master puts the iron at a temperature of 180-230 ° C and passes over all the strands several times.
  5. After that, the hair should cool down completely on its own. Usually 15 minutes is enough for this. Then the master washes the strands, removing the remnants of the means and again dries the curls dry, using a hair dryer.

The whole procedure of biksiplastia takes about two hours, and the effect of such a procedure lasts for 3-6 months. At the same time, the maximum duration of the result is possible only if you take care of your curls after leaving the salon. In particular, in the first few days, as well as after keratin straightening, it is important not to pin the hair, do not collect them in a ponytail and do not braid. Any creases, even from putting strands behind the ears, can disrupt the picture. It is also important to protect the strands from exposure to moisture.

To the result of biksiplastica pleased you longer, for hair care should be used exclusively sulfate-free shampoos. It is also important not to forget about the use of conditioners and masks.


Where can I find biksiplastia hair products? 

You can buy a product for biksiplastia in the online store Keratin-shop. Also here you can order products for hair care after this procedure. In the catalog of the store collected an excellent range of cosmetics from TOP-manufacturers, which are deservedly popular in different parts of the world due to the high quality of their products.

Keratin-shop offers excellent prices and a wide range of products. Our customers can order bikiplasty products, shampoos and masks in bulk. And regular customers are waiting for pleasant prices due to participation in the loyalty program. Delivery is possible throughout Ukraine. We can also send your purchases abroad.